[ERROR GAME] fix lỗi không load iframe gamedistribution.com for toplusgames.com (ok)


Về cơ bản chúng ta dùng thêm tham số này gd_sdk_referrer_url=https://gamedistribution.com/games/unblock-that/


$ccid = '';
$ccidf = '';
$category_detail = wp_get_post_terms($id, 'game', array("fields" => "all"));
foreach ($category_detail as $cc) {
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$cat = str_replace(',,', '', $ccid . ',');
$cclink = get_category_link($category_detail[0]->term_id);
$ccname = '<a href="' . $cclink . '" class="play-tag show">Play Game: ' . $category_detail[0]->name . '</a>';
$title2 = get_the_title($id);
$link2 = get_permalink($id);
$kim1 = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($id), 'medium');
$img2 = ($kim1[0] != '') ? $kim1[0] : "/static/images/no-img.png";
$html5game = get_field('html5game', $id);
<div class="product-wrap ">
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      rank_math_the_breadcrumbs('<div class="trail-items wide">', '</div>');
    } ?>
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<?php $siteUrl = home_url("/backk"); ?>
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        <?php getgh5(37); ?>
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                <p class="ready-app-name"><?php echo $title2; ?></p>
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                <p class="ready-tips">Game will start after a short ad. Thank you for your support.</p>
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                    <h1 class="gamename fn-left" title="<?php echo $title2; ?>"><i class="flag"></i><span><?php echo $title2; ?></span></h1>
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                      <div class="game-zoom">
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                        <a href="#" id="gameReplay" title="Replay this game" onclick="ReplayGame();return false;"></a>
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                      <div class="front-title"><?php echo $title2; ?></div>
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                        .front-icon {
                          left: calc(50% - 50px);
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                    <div id="pre-count">
                      <font lib="game-loading">Game loading..</font>
                      <div id="pre-count-num">25</div>
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                    <div id="game-preloader"></div>
                    <div id="game-box"></div>
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              <img class="bar-app-img" src="<?php echo $img2; ?>" alt="<?php echo $title2; ?>" />
            <p class="bar-app-name text-cut"><?php echo $title2; ?></p>
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                <span class="down-tips">Add to Desktop</span>
              <?php echo $ccname; ?>
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                  <svg class="icon" aria-hidden="true">
                    <use xlink:href="#iconfullscreen"></use>
                <p class="full-tip">Full Screen</p>
    <div class="grid-game main__desc">
      <div class="game-desc">
        <div class="desc-section">
          <p class="desc-title"><?php echo $title2; ?></p>
          <div class="desc-text"><?php the_content(); ?></div>
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      <div class="easetv-comments-wrapper commentgame5">
        if (comments_open() || get_comments_number()) :
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      <p class="title">Exclusive Games</p>
      <div class="game-wrapper game-wrapper--justify">
        <?php getgh5(38); ?>
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